All About Theresa

Hi I'm Theresa and this is what I look like when I take pictures

I like about me pages... like a lot!

I love photography! I currently shoot with a canon 50D

I live in Orange County, California.

I am a health science major at CSUF, I plan on going on and getting a masters in O.T.

I love my boyfriend, we have been dating almost 4 years.

We met at a yogurt shop when I told him he had a big butt :)

I, sometimes, use to many, commas.

I love color.

When I was 4 a dog bit me and now I have a big scar on my cheek.

luckily I have tons of freckles so the scar blends in.

That is part of the reason I <3 my freckles

I am 100% Irish and the first person in my family(including extended family) to be born in America.

The rest of my family was born in Belfast, Ireland.

I think I act more Irish than America.

When I speak with my family I have an accent, when I speak with my friends I don't

I love Disney and all things related (with the exception of Snow White and Tinker Bell)

I don't know why I hate Snow White, I just do.

I love Ariel!!!!

If she was real we would be bestfriends

I also love Leonardo Di Caprio

I work in retail, more specifically customer service

I like acting like a kid--the carefree feeling is nice.

I worry entirely too much about everything

I plan on randomly updating this with more facts so check back.