101 in 1001

So I am pretty sure most of you know what 101 in 1001 is all about, but if you don't it is where you complete 101 items--whether they be goals, task, attitudes, or adventures--in 1001 days.

Why am I doing this??? Well I got the idea from katie -- my boyfriends sister-- and thought it would be a good challenge and way to allow me to have fun, as well as try things I have wanting to be getting around to anyway. I like list, I like plans, and I like stucture so a 101 in 1001 challenge will help me get around to them. I am going to blog about my completion of each task and would love to read your comments and thoughts.

My 101 in 1001 adventure begins here.

Start Date: 4/23/2010

End Date: 1/18/2013

A little Key:

Task like this are in progress

Task like this are all done (GO ME!)


1. Run a 5k

2.Exercise 3 times a week for a month (0/4)

3.Give up diet soda for 22 days

4.Give up “treats” for 22 days

5.Get a “check-up” once a year

6.Find workout songs and create a workout playlist

7.Try a gym class that I am to afraid to take

8.Buy a good pair of running shoes(blog to come)

9.When I drive put the phone in the backseat

10.Burn 1200 calories during a single workout


11.Graduate College

12.Apply for Graduate School

13.Buy a G.R.E study book

14.Take the G.R.E

15.Research future careers and make list done! I have my heart set on Occupational Therapy... with a back up in Nursing... I also plan to take the C.H.E.S exam as a little more of a back up too :)

16.Make a list of classes I need to take to graduate/for graduate school

17.Join Health Science Eta Sigma Gamma

18.Create a “study journal” in all future classes

19.Get my C.P.R certification

Oh, the signs we will see

20.Party it up in Vegas ( Viva Las Vegas)

21.Find a vampire in Forks (ok not a vampire but see Forks)

22.Go to a comedy show(saw one in vegas,but I'm not going to count that)

23.Go to the La Brea tar pits

24.Spend a day at Venice Beach ( done 5/7/10 )

25.Explore San Diego

26.Go Camping

27.Go on a trip with Daisy

28.Go on a hike in Big Bear

29.Attend a live T.V Show (last comic standing)

30.Go Monster Jam in Vegas

31.Visit the Santa Monica Pier

32.Watch the sun rise from 5 different beaches(0/5)

33.Watch the sun set from 5 different beaches(0/5)

And the people we will see

34.Visit Carina and Cassie ( My trip to santa cruz)

35.Take Emily and Natalie out for a day Zoo Day

36.Spend a day with my mom

37.Go visit Daisy in Berkley ( Same as number 34)

Immersing myself in media

38.Read 50 new books (4/50) Book List

39.Watch 50 new movies and write a review(9/101) Movie list

40.Read at least one internet/newspaper article a week for a year (0/52)

Becoming Domesticated

41.Cook 10 new meals(1/10) Meal 1

42.Bake 10 new deserts(1/10) Red Velvet Cake

43.Make Potato bread

44.Make Soda bread

45.Make a three course meal

46. Clean and organize my room once every two weeks


47.Print and organize all of my photos

48.Clean and Organize my closet

49.Keep all work organized throughout the semester each semester (0/3)

50.Make a Calendar and put in my notebook to keep track of due dates each semester (1/3)

51.Plan a 5 year anniversary date with Greg ( October 25, 2011)

52.Plan and go on 10 dates (0/10)

53.Create an earthquake kit for home and car


54.Buy nothing but essentials for an entire month

55.Save up change for an entire year

56.Save up for Disneyland passes, in time for The little mermaid ride to open

57.Use only cash for an entire month

58.Set a Christmas budget list and STICK TO IT!!!

59.Donate money to a San Diego Zoo project.

60.Buy something I have really wanted, just for me!

Snap, Snap—Photography—Snap,Snap

61.Take a photography class

62.Get Studio photos done of me and Greg

63.Frame and Hang some of my photography

64.Photograph downtown Fullerton (view pictures here)

65.Buy a new lens for my camera

66.Photograph my nieces

67.Buy a new point-and-shoot -- Sony H 55--

68.Buy a better camera bag

69.Buy a external flash

70.Do a day in the life project once a month

Making myself a better person

71. Make 5 mix cd’s and leave them in random places

72.Write an inspirational letter and leave in a random place for someone to find (0/10)

73.Do five random acts of kindness in one day

74.Find a place to volunteer long term… (any ideas?)

75.Find a church

76.Make an backpack with school supplies for child

77.Sponsor a kid for Christmas

78.Learn to let the little things not bother me as much

Just for Fun

79.Build a sand castle

80.Draw with chalk

81.Get a pedicure and manicure

82.Get a custom license plate frame

83.Get a massage

84.Go on a picnic

85.Learn to change a tire

86.Learn to change oil

87.Go kayaking

88.Make a signature alcoholic drink

89.Stop biting my nails

90.Go pumpkin picking

91.Finish the last two pages of my senior year scrap book

92.Get a library card

93.Take a class just for fun

94.Make a "wreck this journal”

95.Complete the “This is not a book”

96Make a Bucket list

97.Find the perfect little black dress

98.Write a letter to my 31 year old self

99.Visit a Postsecret exhibit

100.Send in a postcard to Post secrets


101. Secret (once its done i'll let you in on the secret)

Well, here is the list, and here goes nothing!