Tuesday, November 9, 2010

So many challenges so little time! So this week I didn't know if I would get around to posting photos--I have had a super busy week. I have worked 6 days straight ( got to love the retail holiday schedule). Anyway I didn't think I would have time to post anything; however, in class right now we are not really doing anything, so of course it is the perfect time to jump into those photo challenges! :) ( I promise I am a good student)

This is a new little blog hop I decided to participate in. It is touch up tuesday and I have been wanting to join in for a while, so here we go.
Disney 039

This is my SOOC shot... another one of those pretty, pretty roses in my backyard!


Here is my after shot. I am still trying to get the hang of my Adobe Photoshop Lightroom 3 program

I decreased the saturation of this photo, and warmed up the temperature. I also blured more of the wall and blended the warm tone. I upped the exposure and contrast a little as well. Mostly when I edit I slide the little bar until it feels "right"


Yeah Look at those eyes!

Wonderful World Of Color

This is for the Color challenge over at Journlings of a Julius.